Frequently Asked Questions

The tool isn't working. It fails silently, or fails to launch behaviors or network-stats.

Make sure that all submodules have been cloned. You can do this by running

git submodule update --init --recursive

This shows up after an Exception: dane_client-... did not connect to the VPN! and is due to an empty or misconfigured .env file, or if you didn't authorize a 2-Factor Authentication in time. If you're connecting to a VPN, Getting Started - Environment files may help you set up the file.

Speedtest - "Cannot open socket: Timeout occurred in connect."

This shows up after an Exception: Exception: Speedtest failed in dane_client-... and happens when the Ookla speed test times out. It might be because your configured network conditions are reaaaaally poor, or it might just be bad luck. Often times waiting a moment then trying again works!

I have a question that's not on this list

Great! Feel free to post an Issue or start a Discussion at our GitHub repository and we'd be happy to assist you – and maybe even add your question to this list.