Example Use Cases
- Analyzing network traffic in diverse network conditions (pdf)
- We've collected 50+ hours of streaming and browsing network traffic under a VPN to test an encrypted traffic classification model under multiple network conditions
- Testing web application performance in different network conditions using Selenium screen captures
- DANE can set up containers with your desired network conditions
- A custom script can load the application and take screenshots to help understand performance
- Un-encrypted network traffic research using packet captures
- You can configure to use a VPN – or not!
- You can use a different network monitoring tool, like TShark to collect full packet captures by modifying the client's Dockerfile and collection.py script
- Collect data that resembles real-world client data
- By modifying the client Dockerfile, you can have the container run background services that add realistic noise to your network data
- Use a browser window attached to emulated network conditions, see the user experience first hand
- If you really want to hack the tool, you can connect a VNC to the client containers to run their browser windows as a GUI application!